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Talk Applications

Models of Consciousness 5, Bamberg University

MoC5 Main PagePractical InformationRegistration ▸ Talk Application Live

If you would like to present a talk at Models of Consciousness 5, please apply by filling out the application form below. The extended deadline for application submissions is 7 July 2024 (AoE). Please note that attending the conference requires registration; cf. our Registration Page.

Types of Talks

You are cordially invited to apply for one of the following talk options:

▸ A 25-minute talk (20 minutes for presenting plus five minutes for questions);
▸ A five-minute lightning talk.

A small number of talk applications may be selected by the organising committee to be “showcase talks” that attract the offer of a 30 or 40-minute non-parallel talk slot.

How to apply

1. Complete the form

Please complete the talk application form below. Please take particular care when completing fields marked “For Booklet” since the content of these fields will be exactly how your details will appear in the conference booklet.

Important! You will be sent an automated confirmation email upon submitting the application form. If needed, please check your junk email folder. If the confirmation email does not arrive then the form has not gone through and you will need to submit the application again. If you are still unable to receive a confirmation email, then please contact the conference organisers (

2. Decision in July

You will receive information on whether your application has been accepted in July 2024. Talks will be selected by the organisers and advisory board.

Talk Application Form

MoC5 is now closed for talk applications. However, registration remains open until 31/08/2024.

Centre or Group or Network …
Department or Institute or School …
University or Company or Independent …
Applications for talks that are primarily concerned with Minimal Phenomenal Experience will be reviewed by members of the MPE Project and hosted in sessions dedicated to this topic.
A descriptive title for your presentation.
Please keep within the 200 word limit:
We are still working on options to record the talks. Those wanting to be filmed will be asked to sign a consent form at the conference. The resulting videos will likely be posted on the MoC conference YouTube channel. Presenters can request for their video not to be used after having given filming consent. Please note that the filming of talks is not guaranteed by the conference.
We suggest not using Gmail accounts since they sometimes block the automatically generated confirmation email when submitting this form.
This may include the information appearing in a list of participants and in the conference booklet visible to the public.
A link to the privacy notice is provided below.

AMCS Privacy Notice

MoC5 Main PagePractical InformationRegistration ▸ Talk Application Live