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Models of Consciousness 5, Bamberg University

MoC5 Main PagePractical Information ▸ Registration ▸ Talk Application Live

To attend Models of Consciousness 5, please register by completing the form below. Registration is complete upon receipt of registration fees. The registration deadline was 31 August 2024. Please contact us at if you would like to attend but haven’t registered as of yet.

Details regarding the excursion, conference dinner, and travels can be found on the Practical Information page. The conference fees are listed below. To protect the environment, we recommend adding a €90 carbon offsetting fee to the registration (recommended €50 for students).

Type of feeDeadlineAmount
Early bird registration fee* **May 31€ 135.00
Early bird registration fee
for students* ** (PhD & MA)
May 31€ 90.00
Full registration fee* **August 31€ 175.00
Full registration fee
for students* ** (PhD & MA)
August 31€ 125.00
Conference dinnerAugust 31Paid on site
Excursion* **August 31€ 60.00
Excursion for students* ** (PhD & MA)August 31€ 40.00
Members of the University of Bamberg
(Registration is required.)
August 31Free of charge
*There is a booking fee of 4%; **Non-refundable after 9 June 2024

How to register

1. Fill out the online registration form

Please fill out the online registration form below. You will be sent an automated confirmation email upon submitting the registration form.

Important! In case the confirmation email does not arrive then the registration has not gone through. Please check your junk folder, resubmit the form, or contact the conference organisers in case of problems (

2. Pay the registration fees

Please pay the registration fees and any optional fees for the conference dinner and excursion using link for making payments at the bottom of this page.

To avoid email scams, please only use the payment link at the bottom of this webpage, not from emails, even if they appear to be from the AMCS.

Conference Registration Form

The registration deadline has passed. Please contact us at if you would like to attend but haven’t registered as of yet.

We suggest not using Gmail accounts since they sometimes block the automatically generated confirmation email when submitting this form.
Fees are listed at the top of the website.
For details on the bus rides, please see the travel information on the Practical Information website.
To help protect the environment, we recommend adding an optional €90 / €50 (students) carbon offsetting fee to the registration.
This may include the information appearing in a list of participants visible to the public.
A link to the AMCS privacy notice is provided below.

AMCS Privacy Notice

Payment of Registration Fees

After submitting the registration form above, please pay the fees by clicking on the appropriate payment page linked to below. Payments are directed to AMCS e.V. (registered as NGO in Germany) using the Stripe payment gateway. Stripe raises a payment processing fee of 4%.

When clicking the payment link below, the payment page will display the total combined price of all items you could book. Please click on “expand” or “details” to see individual items and adjust the quantity of optional items according to your preferences.

Early bird rates are available until 31 May 2024. Unfortunately, we cannot refund payments after 9 June 2024.

If not a student:

All students (PhD & MA):

Payment Options

If you have already paid the conference fee, or are exempt from the fee as a member of the University of Bamberg, you can book the excursion and/or bus shuttles separately:

Book excursion separately.

Book shuttle busses separately.

The bus from Munich to Bamberg on 30th September is included in the excursion fee.

If you cannot use Stripe and would like to use bank wire to pay the fees, please contact us.


In case of any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at

MoC5 Main PagePractical Information ▸ Registration ▸ Talk Application Live