AMCS is befriended and cooperating with the following institutions:
Asia-Pacific Consciousness Network (APCN)
The Asia-Pacific Consciousness Network (APCN) is a research network that aims to facilitate the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas among consciousness researchers and the public, primarily in the Asia Pacific region.
Qualia Structure Lab
A lab devoted to understanding the relationship between the structure of qualia and information.
Society for Mind-Matter Research
The Society for Mind-Matter Research is an international non-profit organization which supports interdisciplinary research concerning relations between the mental and the material.
Society for Mind-Matter Research Website
Consciousness Club Tokyo
Consciousness Club is a study group once every two weeks based in Tokyo, led by Ryota Kanai of Araya, to encourage transdisciplinary discussions beyond traditional academic boundaries and to find creative, new approaches towards the understanding of consciousness. The topics discussed span across philosophy, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, complex systems, computer science, robotics and more.